I bookmark many new pages everyday and imagine how easily my bookmark collection swells into a pile of messy favorite pages. With the burgeoning number of bookmarks, categorizing them into proper categories is essentially important. Unfortunately, as time goes by your memory might betray you. You may start adding the same exact page again in different category or even sometimes in the same category. How about pages that become obsolete and may no longer available for access? How do you handle that?
Checking each and every bookmark is not a practical option; it’s tedious and a waste of time.
Check Places is a useful extension that is able to clean sweep all Firefox 3 bookmarks for duplication or obsolete pages. By installing the plugin, the new Check Places entry will be added to the bookmarks menu for easy access. A click on the menu will automatically pop up a new window so that user can customize how the scan should be done.
This add-on is small but versatile. It is able to scan the entire bookmarks or even on selected folders. It can also include exclusions to folders or bookmarks.
The scan won’t take long, a minute or so for few hundreds bookmarks. The results are then displayed, detailing the bookmarks that are no longer exist or identified as duplicates.
Please note, this add-on is still in experimental, so you can only download this little plugin after you successfully login into Mozilla site.